Elder Laahche

Elder Laahche
Canada Vanvouver Mission 2010 - 2012

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Another Great Week

 Man! Well this weekend was awesome! Conference was great the talks were uplifting and inspiring and I received direction as to how I can do better as a missionary, and I've also received direction as to how Elder McGahan and I can help our investigators.
 This week was a great week though, Elder McGahan and I have been working hard. It was definitely a week of finding though, which is fantastic because I love finding! It's just great being out and talking to as many people as you can.
 So the weather here has been raining almost everyday, but it didn't rain on Sunday which was nice, but I think I'm pretty used to it raining all the time, so it will be weird to go come home and have it rain no as often.

 The work here has really changed in the past week, we've been doing alot of personal finding because we are to finding solid new investigators! Right now our only solid investigator is Gordie! It's so weird because all of our other investigators suddenly disappeared and are not returning any calls, or they haven't been keeping commitments that they've made. If they don't keep commitments well then they can't really progress, so they're stuck. So that's why we're starting pretty much from scratch now. But Gordie is still amazing, his parents met with Bishop on Thursday and they got a tour of the church and from what bishop tells us the meeting went really well! So hopefully we'll be able to start teaching Gordie's family they are solid too and would make perfect members.
 However as we have been out I have been able to feel the spirit work through me! Which is always great because I know I would not be able to help these people by myself! I am so grateful for the spirit which does lead and guide us as we are obedient to the commandments, and as we keep ourselves worthy of his companionship.
 Elder McGahan is such a great example to me, he works so hard and is always striving to do what is right. This week we took a really big step with an investigator who has been investigating the church since 2004! We went over to visit him at his house, and he was gardening so we offered to help him, as we helped him he started to ask us questions about our mission and why we came out. We both shared our experiences and testimonies, as we did so the spirit was strong. We were able to tell he was feeling it to, I noticed it in his eyes. He invited us into his home, where we sat down with him and talked about the importance of baptism and priesthood authority. The spirit was working through Elder McGahan and I because we were explaining the doctrine so clearly and simply, and the words to explain were being given to me as I continued to speak. When we finished discussing, the man sat there, we were able to tell that he was thinking. Then finally he said "So what you two boys are telling me is that I need to be baptized again, by someone who God gave permission to perform baptism" We both nodded our heads and said yes. The next thing that he said really surprised me, he said "So I guess that the ball is in my court then, I need to pray and ask God if this is something that he wants me to do." We didn't even have to invite him to pray to know, the spirit naturally helped him understand what he needed to do! I have a strong testimony, that Heavenly Father knows us. He leads and guides us as we come to him with humble hearts, and he knows how to touch the hearts of his children.
 I would like add my testimony of the Book of Mormon to the many that have been shared at General Conference. I know that it is true, because I have prayed about it and because I have asked God it if is true. He has showed me that it is. I know that as we read it our desire to live righteous lives will increase. Our faith in Jesus Christ will grow, we will become more humble and we'll want to do good to others continually! It has blessed my life greatly and I know that it can bless the life of anyone who reads it.
 That's all I have time for this week! Thanks so much for your prayers!
 I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, this is Marianne.We had dinner together this Thanksgiving and I thought we all had a good time. I was really happy to meet you and Jensen, thank you so much for everything!
    I read your blog and feel that you have consistent passion for what you are doing.Bless you.Good luck!
