Hey everyone!
We emailed really early last week and we are again. It's eaiser to do email first thing in the morning because then we have the rest of the day to do everything we need to. Pday's are just as busy as a regular day! I honestly didn't think it was going to be like that when I first started my mission, but that's the way it is!
Elder Henderson had a chance to meet with Krassimiere this week while I was on exchange with the Vancouver Elders. Krassimiere has set a baptismal date for April 7th! I'm really excited for him, he's very humble and teachable and everyone in the ward loves him! I knew that he was going to be baptised since the first day we met him at Aram (member's son) baptism. He talked with us about how he felt unclean and that he wanted to be baptised again so that he could have a fresh start. From what Elder Henderson tells me the appointment went really well and Krass is doing so good. When they asked him to be baptised on April 7th he was shocked because his father died one year ago on April 6th. He says that he knows this is the say that Heavenly Father wants him to be baptised. While he was praying he said he was grateful that we were there to help him and he was grateful that he was able to feel the Spirit. Missionary work is wonderful, it's amazing to help others come unto Christ. It's amazing to see the changes that the Gospel brings to people.
The weeks just keep on going by faster and faster, I mean it just seems like yesterday I wrote you guys. The work in Burnaby is going well. I'm really excited for General Conference though, it's going to be great. We're so blessed to have modern Prophets and Apostles speak to us.
So to answer you questions as to what I need. I can't really think of anything off the top of my head. I don't need contacts I should be good on those untill the end of my mission. But I will need more when I get back. I will go to pick up those photos when I get a chance this week. We're always right near that Wal-Mart now because it's right next to one of the major skytrain stations. I have not hear anything back from Concordia yet, it's been almost a month so I would think we are going to be hearing something soon. It's good to hear that Ma is okay. I'll continue to pray for her.
I am very grateful for the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. I rely on the testimonies that are in it when we teach, and when we do use it the spirit always bears testimony that what we are reading is true. I know that anyone who prays about it can recieve an answer from the Holy Ghost confirming to them that it is the word of God and the he has again called a Prohpet in the earth.
We recieved a refferal from a missionary who is serving his mission in the philipines but lives in Burnaby. His whole family is Catholic execpt for him. We went over and knocked on the door and when the dad opened he smiled. It was nice because the family was very welcoming and it stood as a witness to me that serving a mission blesses our families as well as those who we care for while we're here. I'm very grateful for my mission. It's made me such a better person. I know that the Gospel is the way for us to find happiness while were here, and if we follow the Gospel Heavenly Father has promised us that we can be with our families forever. I know that it's true and is made possible through Jesus Christ.
This week is looking good again, conference is going to be awesome. The weather last weekend was amazing, not a single cloud in the sky. I hope it will be like that again this week, so far it's not looking like that though, it's raining as we speak.
Have a great week, and a good time in Platsburgh, it's wierd to think I will be there for next year.
Elder Kameron Lahache
#303 595 Freeman St. Prince George, B.C. V2M 2R3 US Mailing Address P.O. 149 Point Roberts, Washington 98281
Elder Laahche
Canada Vanvouver Mission 2010 - 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Another Great Week
Hey everyone!
This week was great! I am so humbled and blessed with all that is happening in the mission as well as in the area. This past week the Elders in Vancouver YSA, had a baptism! I was so happy and proud of them, the spirit was there in the meeting with us and we all felt the Spirit testify that this is the gate we all must enter to begin our journey back to our Father in Heaven. I am so grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that it is through him and his love that we can return to our Heavenly Father.
We had a really good week, we were so busy just doing our best to arrive to all our appointments on time. On Saturday we were privileged with an opportunity to meet with Elder Richard G. Maynes again! He visited the mission a little over 6 months ago and now he is our new area President. It was great to be able to stand in front of him and know that we as a mission applied that counsel that he gave to us 6 months ago. The mission as a whole really changed when he came, as a result Heavenly Father has been pouring an abundance of blessings upon the mission. Last month the mission as a whole had 30 baptisms! That has only happened a handful of times in the past 10 years. Now half way through March it is looking like we are going to reach 30 again if not more! I am really excited to see the miracles that are happening here, and even more humbled for the opportunity it is for me to involved in this wonderful work.
We got to meet with Krassimiere again this week. He's as awesome as ever, he is so humble and teachable, it almost seems to easy to teach him just because of how accepting of everything he is! We taught him the message of the restoration this past week and he said himself that it was necessary for the Gospel to be restored through Joseph Smith! It strengthened my testimony to hear him say that and I felt the spirit once again testify to me that this work is true. I am grateful for the spirit in case I haven't gotten that message across in the past. I don't know where I would be or how I would work without it, it is such an essential part of this work.
I am confident that Krassimiere will be baptized in April, our goal is for him to be baptized on April 7th. He is solid and continues to come to church every Sunday, in our last lesson we asked him where he was in his reading of the Book of Mormon. He told us that he was up to Lehi's vision then he started to tell us about it and his understanding was prefect. He explained everything clearly as if he had studied it several times before, we testified to him that the spirit was teaching him as he read.
I had to opportunity to speak with President Tilleman this week, he is doing well and he has asked me to thank all those who have prayed and fasted for him. He has made a full recovery and is currently going through rehabilitation. I am grateful for the power of the Priesthood which allows us to pronounce blessings of healing. I know that the Priesthood is real, and that we must always be worthy to hold it
This work is wonderful, I feel so blessed to be a servant of my Father in Heaven. The Gospel of Jesus Christ does bring people lasting happiness, that happiness will last forever if we endure to the end. Throughout my mission I have come to understand our Savior's love. I testify that he lives, that he loves us and that he has again called a Prophet to lead and guide us in these the latter days. Our Heavenly Father is a God of order and he is the same yesterday, today and forever. I testify that through the power of Jesus Christ's atonement we can be forgiven of our sins, we will be given the power and strength to overcome all opposition that we are faced with in this life. I know that is true. As I've humbled myself and have prayed for guidance from my Heavenly Father, he listens and in his time answers.
The work is growing, miracles are happening in the mission. I know that as we continue to exercise faith that all things are possible with God.
Hope you all have a great day and a fantastic week.
Elder Kameron Lahache
This week was great! I am so humbled and blessed with all that is happening in the mission as well as in the area. This past week the Elders in Vancouver YSA, had a baptism! I was so happy and proud of them, the spirit was there in the meeting with us and we all felt the Spirit testify that this is the gate we all must enter to begin our journey back to our Father in Heaven. I am so grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that it is through him and his love that we can return to our Heavenly Father.
We had a really good week, we were so busy just doing our best to arrive to all our appointments on time. On Saturday we were privileged with an opportunity to meet with Elder Richard G. Maynes again! He visited the mission a little over 6 months ago and now he is our new area President. It was great to be able to stand in front of him and know that we as a mission applied that counsel that he gave to us 6 months ago. The mission as a whole really changed when he came, as a result Heavenly Father has been pouring an abundance of blessings upon the mission. Last month the mission as a whole had 30 baptisms! That has only happened a handful of times in the past 10 years. Now half way through March it is looking like we are going to reach 30 again if not more! I am really excited to see the miracles that are happening here, and even more humbled for the opportunity it is for me to involved in this wonderful work.
We got to meet with Krassimiere again this week. He's as awesome as ever, he is so humble and teachable, it almost seems to easy to teach him just because of how accepting of everything he is! We taught him the message of the restoration this past week and he said himself that it was necessary for the Gospel to be restored through Joseph Smith! It strengthened my testimony to hear him say that and I felt the spirit once again testify to me that this work is true. I am grateful for the spirit in case I haven't gotten that message across in the past. I don't know where I would be or how I would work without it, it is such an essential part of this work.
I am confident that Krassimiere will be baptized in April, our goal is for him to be baptized on April 7th. He is solid and continues to come to church every Sunday, in our last lesson we asked him where he was in his reading of the Book of Mormon. He told us that he was up to Lehi's vision then he started to tell us about it and his understanding was prefect. He explained everything clearly as if he had studied it several times before, we testified to him that the spirit was teaching him as he read.
I had to opportunity to speak with President Tilleman this week, he is doing well and he has asked me to thank all those who have prayed and fasted for him. He has made a full recovery and is currently going through rehabilitation. I am grateful for the power of the Priesthood which allows us to pronounce blessings of healing. I know that the Priesthood is real, and that we must always be worthy to hold it
This work is wonderful, I feel so blessed to be a servant of my Father in Heaven. The Gospel of Jesus Christ does bring people lasting happiness, that happiness will last forever if we endure to the end. Throughout my mission I have come to understand our Savior's love. I testify that he lives, that he loves us and that he has again called a Prophet to lead and guide us in these the latter days. Our Heavenly Father is a God of order and he is the same yesterday, today and forever. I testify that through the power of Jesus Christ's atonement we can be forgiven of our sins, we will be given the power and strength to overcome all opposition that we are faced with in this life. I know that is true. As I've humbled myself and have prayed for guidance from my Heavenly Father, he listens and in his time answers.
The work is growing, miracles are happening in the mission. I know that as we continue to exercise faith that all things are possible with God.
Hope you all have a great day and a fantastic week.
Elder Kameron Lahache
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
We See Miracles Everyday
Hey everyone!
Sorry I didn't get to send you an e-mail yesterday. There was a wind storm and as a result many buildings either lost power or their internet connection. All the Libraries in Burnaby had no internet yesterday. I've never seen it so windy here before, it looked like the trees were about to fall over, luckily none of them did. There are parts of trees in the streets though and they're still cleaning up today. Burnaby had become my new mission home! I've been here since June so that's a little over 9 Months, by the time the transfer is over I would have been here 10 and a half months. The members are impressed because no missionary has been here for such a long time! I think at home the only missionary who came close was Elder Kurtz. It's been great I'm very excited with the work that we're doing here. Last week we had 24 and a half member hours! Either with members at appointments or on the streets with us talking to people. That's the most that I've had my entire mission, it felt great. Heavenly Father has blessed us so much. The ward goal is to have 20 member hours, the closest missionaries have
ever got was 15-17. Last Sunday we talked with the Priesthood and let them now that this week we wanted to reach the goal. Everyone said they would do their part in helping us, so when we went to Bishop on Sunday and reported that we had 24 and a half his jaw just dropped open, it was funny. This week we're going for 20 hours again, I know we can do. Elder Henderson and I have been working really hard. We got to meet with Gordie's mom on Sunday and we discussed Gordie's baptism. I am set and determined to have his baptism set and ready to go that way if I ever do get transferred everything will already be set. He's such a great guy, his mom's main concern from what I understand is family. Specifically how Gordie being baptized would affect his mom's side of the family, who for the most part are all Catholic. We invited her to pray and ask God what is right, but we bore powerful testimony of the importance of baptism and invited her to start meeting with us again to which she accepted. I know that with Heavenly Father on our side he will help us to help Gordie be baptized. It's his birthday today by the way he's turning 17 years old!
The other day we were on the skytrain and I always wear these red Canada mittens to keep my hands warm because we're always outside. We're waiting at a skytrain station and a train pulls up and the doors open, this old mad walks out looks at my gloves then looks at me. Then he tells me that it's not cold and that I don't need to be wearing those gloves and that I was only wearing them to "show off". Then he stormed off all upset, Elder Henderson and I just looked at each other and laughed, especially because I sometimes use my Canada gloves as a way to start a conversation with someone.
The Sullivan's are doing alright, we visited with Winnie on Saturday and she told us that she hasn't read The Book of Mormon yet. It really makes me sad to hear when people don't read because I know how much reading will help them have a better life, it's really that simple! We got her a huge copy of The Book of Mormon because she said she has difficulty reading the small print. We're going by again on Wednesday, I really hope that she's doing well. We're going to be getting the Jing family involved, they're good friends with Winnie and Kevin already and we hope that will help them progress.
Krassimiere came to church with his whole family for the first time on Sunday! Krassismiere has come several times with his son but that's it, so it was really awesome to have their whole family with us! We're going to be seeing them tonight actually and I'm excited to see how it goes!
The work here is going good. I'm excited for the wonderful miracles that we see happen here daily! The spirit is involved and we are seeing people's lives being blessed as they apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ in their lives. I am grateful for the Gospel and all the blessings it brings as we make it a part of who we are!
It's great to hear that everyone had a good time in Florida! Also about the pictures, are you talking about the ones that you sent a little after Christmas, or did you send newer ones?
Have a great week!
Elder Kameron Lahache
Sorry I didn't get to send you an e-mail yesterday. There was a wind storm and as a result many buildings either lost power or their internet connection. All the Libraries in Burnaby had no internet yesterday. I've never seen it so windy here before, it looked like the trees were about to fall over, luckily none of them did. There are parts of trees in the streets though and they're still cleaning up today. Burnaby had become my new mission home! I've been here since June so that's a little over 9 Months, by the time the transfer is over I would have been here 10 and a half months. The members are impressed because no missionary has been here for such a long time! I think at home the only missionary who came close was Elder Kurtz. It's been great I'm very excited with the work that we're doing here. Last week we had 24 and a half member hours! Either with members at appointments or on the streets with us talking to people. That's the most that I've had my entire mission, it felt great. Heavenly Father has blessed us so much. The ward goal is to have 20 member hours, the closest missionaries have
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A member invited us over to show us how to make sweet and sour chicken. So this is the picture after we finished cooking everything. |
The other day we were on the skytrain and I always wear these red Canada mittens to keep my hands warm because we're always outside. We're waiting at a skytrain station and a train pulls up and the doors open, this old mad walks out looks at my gloves then looks at me. Then he tells me that it's not cold and that I don't need to be wearing those gloves and that I was only wearing them to "show off". Then he stormed off all upset, Elder Henderson and I just looked at each other and laughed, especially because I sometimes use my Canada gloves as a way to start a conversation with someone.
The Sullivan's are doing alright, we visited with Winnie on Saturday and she told us that she hasn't read The Book of Mormon yet. It really makes me sad to hear when people don't read because I know how much reading will help them have a better life, it's really that simple! We got her a huge copy of The Book of Mormon because she said she has difficulty reading the small print. We're going by again on Wednesday, I really hope that she's doing well. We're going to be getting the Jing family involved, they're good friends with Winnie and Kevin already and we hope that will help them progress.
Krassimiere came to church with his whole family for the first time on Sunday! Krassismiere has come several times with his son but that's it, so it was really awesome to have their whole family with us! We're going to be seeing them tonight actually and I'm excited to see how it goes!
The work here is going good. I'm excited for the wonderful miracles that we see happen here daily! The spirit is involved and we are seeing people's lives being blessed as they apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ in their lives. I am grateful for the Gospel and all the blessings it brings as we make it a part of who we are!
It's great to hear that everyone had a good time in Florida! Also about the pictures, are you talking about the ones that you sent a little after Christmas, or did you send newer ones?
Have a great week!
Elder Kameron Lahache
Monday, March 5, 2012
I'm Still in Burnaby!
Hey everyone!
I just wanted to apologize about my short e-mail again last week. The mission received transfer calls on Monday this time, usually it's Tuesday. We didn't get a call in Burnaby, Elder Henderson and I will be staying in Burnaby for another 6 weeks, all the missionaries that I serve around think it's crazy how long I've been here and even crazier that I'm staying everyone thought I was going. It's great though I love Burnaby and I really love the people here. All the members were really happy that I'm staying too. People were telling me that I should just have my membership records moved here.
This week has been so much fun though. We were blessed with an opportunity to teach Krassimiere and his whole family this week. We were able to teach them at the home of the Hernandez family. It was such a good experience, we testified of how the Gospel blesses families, when brother and sister Hernandez bore their testimonies the spirit was so strong! I am so grateful to be in Burnaby because we have amazing members here with powerful testimonies and they actually want to be involved in missionary work.
Also this past week we had a new ward mission leader called. I was really happy about that because we've been without a ward mission leader for almost 4 months now! While we had no ward mission leader, the missionaries were basically doing their best to fill that role. We had our first meeting with our ward mission leader, Brother Stuart this week and we prayed and asked Heavenly Father what he wanted us to do. After praying we all felt that we should focus on calling ward missionaries to serve alongside us. So that's what we're working on now and I'm really excited because I know that the more members we get involved in the work, the quicker the work will progress.
Gordie was really happy to hear that I'm staying and so was his whole family. He's going to be getting baptized when he graduates from High School, which is this year. I hope that I'm still here to see his baptism if not, I hope that President Tilleman will permit me to make a quick trip to Burnaby to see him be baptized!
I feel so blessed to be a missionary because I know how much I've grown while I've been here. But most importantly I am grateful for the wonderful opportunities that I've had to help wonderful people who are my friends to come closer to Jesus Christ. Last night we went drop by a part member family named the Sullivan's. Brother Sullivan actually served his mission in Quebec and spent quite a bit of time around the Granby area. He really loved his mission. Anyway missionaries have tried teaching Sister Sullivan several times in the past, it seemed that no progress was made with her though. So last night we went over and Elder Henderson and I were praying that what we had planned to share would be what she needed to hear to start investigating seriously. We said a prayer and explained the purpose of the Book of Mormon and read the introduction with her. As we read together she expressed that she never understood exactly what the Book of Mormon was and why it was so important. She said because of what we told her tonight it makes clear logical sense and that she would read and pray about it. We also invited them to come to church next Sunday and they said yea!
Looking down the road I know that there is tons of work to be done in Burnaby. I know I've been here a while but I truly feel that the Lord is keeping me here for a purpose. Being here for as long as I have I know the area extremely well and I feel that we can use members effectively because of the relationship that we've been able to establish.
I'm excited to keep working and serving the Lord the best that I possibly can!
Have a great week in Florida,
Elder Kameron Lahache
I just wanted to apologize about my short e-mail again last week. The mission received transfer calls on Monday this time, usually it's Tuesday. We didn't get a call in Burnaby, Elder Henderson and I will be staying in Burnaby for another 6 weeks, all the missionaries that I serve around think it's crazy how long I've been here and even crazier that I'm staying everyone thought I was going. It's great though I love Burnaby and I really love the people here. All the members were really happy that I'm staying too. People were telling me that I should just have my membership records moved here.
This week has been so much fun though. We were blessed with an opportunity to teach Krassimiere and his whole family this week. We were able to teach them at the home of the Hernandez family. It was such a good experience, we testified of how the Gospel blesses families, when brother and sister Hernandez bore their testimonies the spirit was so strong! I am so grateful to be in Burnaby because we have amazing members here with powerful testimonies and they actually want to be involved in missionary work.
Also this past week we had a new ward mission leader called. I was really happy about that because we've been without a ward mission leader for almost 4 months now! While we had no ward mission leader, the missionaries were basically doing their best to fill that role. We had our first meeting with our ward mission leader, Brother Stuart this week and we prayed and asked Heavenly Father what he wanted us to do. After praying we all felt that we should focus on calling ward missionaries to serve alongside us. So that's what we're working on now and I'm really excited because I know that the more members we get involved in the work, the quicker the work will progress.
Gordie was really happy to hear that I'm staying and so was his whole family. He's going to be getting baptized when he graduates from High School, which is this year. I hope that I'm still here to see his baptism if not, I hope that President Tilleman will permit me to make a quick trip to Burnaby to see him be baptized!
I feel so blessed to be a missionary because I know how much I've grown while I've been here. But most importantly I am grateful for the wonderful opportunities that I've had to help wonderful people who are my friends to come closer to Jesus Christ. Last night we went drop by a part member family named the Sullivan's. Brother Sullivan actually served his mission in Quebec and spent quite a bit of time around the Granby area. He really loved his mission. Anyway missionaries have tried teaching Sister Sullivan several times in the past, it seemed that no progress was made with her though. So last night we went over and Elder Henderson and I were praying that what we had planned to share would be what she needed to hear to start investigating seriously. We said a prayer and explained the purpose of the Book of Mormon and read the introduction with her. As we read together she expressed that she never understood exactly what the Book of Mormon was and why it was so important. She said because of what we told her tonight it makes clear logical sense and that she would read and pray about it. We also invited them to come to church next Sunday and they said yea!
Looking down the road I know that there is tons of work to be done in Burnaby. I know I've been here a while but I truly feel that the Lord is keeping me here for a purpose. Being here for as long as I have I know the area extremely well and I feel that we can use members effectively because of the relationship that we've been able to establish.
I'm excited to keep working and serving the Lord the best that I possibly can!
Have a great week in Florida,
Elder Kameron Lahache
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