Elder Laahche

Elder Laahche
Canada Vanvouver Mission 2010 - 2012

Monday, March 7, 2011

Finding A Balance

 Hey everyone! 

I hope your all enjoying Florida in the awesome weather there! The weather in Richmond has been amazing it has been 7-10 degrees everyday and the sun has pretty much been out everyday it's nice and a really big change to the way the weather has been here for the past 3 months! It's so funny how much of an impact the weather has on how nice people are. This week went by so fast! We are starting to get things moving in the office and we're making progress, we finished the Temple DVD this week, so I will be able to send a copy of that home for you guys to see, we didn't do any recording ourselves for this video we just took clips from other movies and  put them together. It's good though and I'm really excited for members to start using it. We scheduled all of our interviews that we need for the mormon.org video so those will be happening on Saturday the rest of the pieces we will be putting together throughout the week. So that movie should be done around the end of next week or the week of the 21 latest!

This week we were able to meet with Andrew again he was the guy who called the church asking for more literature to learn about us, anyway we went back and talked with him. We left him the restoration pamphlet to read and he read it and he said that he believes all of it to be true. It's so weird for me to see that because I've never found someone who is so open and who has been so prepared to accept the gospel. It almost seems too easy for me. But I am so happy for him and he is really coming along, we have another teaching appointment with him today. Yesterday I really noticed how happy it makes me to be out talking with people about the church, I noticed it before but I guess I only took the time to really think about why I feel the way I do yesterday. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve my mission. For the spirit that I feel and also for the experiences that I've had so far.

 I'm getting better at balancing office work and missionary work, in the office I need to be efficient and quick were if I'm out I have to be more personal, the personal side comes more naturally to me I find where being an office person I'm still working on getting it to become a part of who I am. Elder Williams is really good at it though and he's teaching me so much! I'm so happy that he's my companion I don't know what I would do without him!

 The work in Richmond is going good too on Friday we had a lesson with another one of our investigators his name is Ethan, for the past few weeks Ethan has been trying to be logical about how he finds truth about religion and we've been trying to get him to understand that the only way that he will find what he is looking for is if he asks God.Then on Friday his whole attitude just changed, he wasn't trying to undermine us logically like he normally does, he was open and he had questions he also told us at the end of the lesson, that he now realizes there are certain things that we as missionaries cannot explain and that if he really wants to find God he is going to have to pray. I was so happy that he realized that, I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers especially as we come to him with humble hearts.

Hope you guys are having an awesome time in Florida I'm excited to see sweet pictures of your time there!

 That's going to be so sweet that you get to see Alex Ovechkin play his game! Let me know who wins that game? Who's going with you to it? So yeah I don't think that the adobe stuff was with the laptop when it
got stolen, I'm not 100% sure though. But if you can't find it that's ok. How long are you guys going to be in Florida for?

 Love you

 Elder Kameron Lahache

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