Elder Laahche

Elder Laahche
Canada Vanvouver Mission 2010 - 2012

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life In The Office

 Hey everyone!
Me and my MAC !
 Sorry it has taken me such a long time to write today! We had a crazy busy day in the office and we pretty much lost our whole P-Day because we have been running errands all day. I hope everyone is having a good week so far! I can't believe that your already getting ready to go to Florida! It's crazy that it's March tomorrow too! So I will start by answering the questions that you've asked me. Our main focus while working in the office is still missionary work, we work in the office from 10-4 and then we are on the streets and in the neighborhoods from 4-9, it's really different and I'm still getting used to switching from office mode to missionary mode. But it's fun and it's a new experience so that's good. 

We have our own apartment only it's pretty packed we live in a two bedroom apartment with 6 missionaries! I would send you pictures of the place because it is really nice, it's just impossible to keep it clean because of how many people are living there! It's fun though and I like being around other missionaries because I learn from them. We have started two videos 1) Temple tour DVD for the temple here in Vancouver, president asked us to make one so that if members or missionaries want to show their friends around the temple then there will be video like there usually is at temple open houses. That one we are just about done only we've been using a PC to make it so it's alright, that's why we need the Mac. 2) I'm a Mormon DVD, basically this is a training video that we are creating for all of B.C. our main goal with this is to get members of the church to go on mormon.org and create their own profiles. I think I sent you the link to mine this week. President has asked us to do other videos too but those are our primary focus right now. It's so funny because we have become the office tech support here! I honestly never thought I would be doing this especially no my mission.

 When investigators that I have taught in the past get baptized I will be able to go and see their baptismal service which is really nice, because I know that there will be baptisms happening there really soon! Plus Delta is only about 10-15 mins away drive from Richmond. I get to see my old companion Elder Muller alot too! Last P-Day we went and ate sushi together and it was pretty fun!
Trying octopus a a local sushi bar
 This week I was humbled once again! On Friday we received a call from a man named Andrew Kingsley he said that he was interested in learning more about the church and he was requesting some literature that he could read and learn more. That doesn't happen everyday! So we went by and visited him on Saturday and he is awesome, he already has such a strong belief in God and a testimony in Jesus Christ. When we started talking about the restoration and Joseph Smith's first vision he said "You know what I completely believe that's true, why couldn't have Joseph seen a vision it's completely possible I believe it." I was shocked I had never seen a man so prepared to accept missionaries as Andrew was.

 Earlier in the week I was feeling like we weren't fulfilling our purpose as missionaries enough because of all the time that we were spending in the office, I felt like we weren't finding anyone to teach and it was annoying because I was so used to being out talking to people all the time and in the office it's not like that. But obviously "no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing" Heavenly Father knows that Elder Williams and I are trying our best to balance our two jobs and that it's not really easy and I know that he put Andrew in our so that he could learn because he was searching but also to increase our faith in him. I know the Lord blesses us as our desires are in line with his desires and we are willing to do what he commands us.
 Many awesome things happened for us this week, today we received another referral and we are going to see him tomorrow and from what I hear he's another solid guy! We got the Mac today, we are getting the rest of the camera equipment we need this week so things will really start moving this week and I'm really excited to get things done! This transfer has been alot more easier for me to adapt so far, I can see that it is becoming easier for me to accept change. I know it's becoming easier because I am learning to put my trust in Heavenly Father. I know that he gives us weaknesses so that we will turn to him, and it is when we turn to him that he makes our weaknesses strong, and with the Lord anything is possible. Through the Lord we
 will become good strong people and we will fulfill our true potential.
 Anyway that's all that has been happening here. I'm sorry I'm sending this so late again! Hope everyone has an awesome week! Fun in Florida too!
 Elder Kameron Lahache

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